I'm 5 1/2 years old. I like science because I got the ideas from Mythbusters. I like experiments and explosions. My mom is going to do experiments with me and together we'll write about them.
I like to mix stuff. I dig around in the kitchen and mix whatever my mom will let me. Today I'm mixing water, hand soap, dish soap, corn oil, salt (2 kinds), pepper and food coloring. I'm pouring it back and forth between some jars my mom saved for me and a pitcher.
I'm making a blue mix that you can use for kids that are wanting to do experiments. You can sell them. You should not do this on the road because your car will explode if you put it in the engine. That's why I love experiments, because they could kill you if you don't listen to me.
My mom wanted a bug to feed my new Venus Fly Trap so she went outside looking and found a cool looking green bug with wings. She put it in the plant but it didn't close right away. I said: "Don't put it in. Save him!" because I didn't want it to eat it. I wanted to scientist it. I was thinking in my mind - leave nature alone. If you don't he might chew your finger up. I think he can bite through finger nails. Then you'd need a band-aid but it would never heal and you'd have to go to the hospital.
I got my bug magnifying kit and looked at. He looked so good. Mom had me let him go in the tomatoes. We looked him up and he's a lacewing...they eat bad bugs.
We made sugar glass out of water, ice and skin. That was a joke.
You make it with sugar and heat it and stir it. The sugar melts. It was skin color and you could make a pyramid out of it. Then it turned into a liquid. Mom poured it in a pan and put it in the refrigerator. When it was cold I held it. It was sticky. Some day I'm going to eat it, but I didn't want any because it was sticky and looked ewey.