I'm 5 1/2 years old. I like science because I got the ideas from Mythbusters. I like experiments and explosions. My mom is going to do experiments with me and together we'll write about them.
The center of the earth kind of has bubbly things. On MythBusters they tested can a whirlpool suck you down, and they proved you can. It's sort of like that, but instead of staying there and dying the oil gets pulled back to the surface.
(mom's version below)
We filled a glass jar 3/4 full of water, then added about 2" of oil. Then we poured in salt, one tablespoon at a time. The salt pulled some of the oil down with it, but as soon as the salt dissolved the oil floated back up. It reminded me of the lava lamp my grandmother had when I was a child.
We put plastic wrap tight on a bowl, then put some rice on top. I banged a spoon on a cookie sheet next to it and it made the rice move. It only worked if the plastic wrap was really tight.
Today we learned how to make a bridge, like the one Mike Rowe cleaned on Dirty Jobs. That's my second favorite show after MythBusters.
First we put a piece of heavy paper across some boxes of food. We put a toy bobcat on and it fell down.
Then mom folded a piece of heavy paper like a fan (lengthwise), put it across the boxes and put a second piece of heavy paper on top. This held the heavier backhoe that my dad got me. Mom said the triangles supported the weight, I think it was just made gooder.
We saw a box turtle yesterday in our back yard. We gave it some lettuce. It closed up like a rock when we went to see it. I picked it up. I was very careful.
We know it was a box turtle because we looked it up this morning. They eat snails, frogs (if you have frogs in your yard don't get a box turtle!), grass and humans (that was a joke). If you don't like snails you can buy a box turtle and it will eat them all. I saw his butt.
I think he eats the same weeds as the rabbit we see a lot in our yard. We did not let Stevie (my cat) see the turtle as he might attack it and make the shell older. I don't think turtles can grow another shell. So if you see a turtle don't let your cat outside.
When we backed up a little bit his head came out. I liked it so much than when I see it again I'm going to hug it carefully. We checked before I went to bed and he was gone. I think he went to Ms. Pam's yard because she has water and turtles need water.
My cat Stevie injured a bird so bad this morning it was close to dying, but I think it flew away or the girls got it. This is a fun game for Stevie.
Some animals eat other animals. Birds eat birdseed, owls eat some birds, birds of prey want sleepy baby cats. Lions eat gerenuks (Trotman just dragged out a book about mammals).
We have a bunny in our yard. I want to make it a home. He likes to eat the weeds in our yard.
Me and mom went next door to see Ms. Pam's tadpoles yesterday. One had two legs in the back. We saw lily pads and three fish: one baby, one who is brown, and one who was an orange fish - not a baby, just an adult. They were swimming around and I was trying to catch them. I could not, but I caught a tadpole with legs. It will turn into a frog.
I am glad that frogs eat mosquitoes. Some frogs eat other frogs, then there will only be one.
This morning we went to a park and I rode my bike. We saw lots of red-winged blackbirds. We found a website where you can listen to them. Click here to hear them sing.
This is a good experiment for lava. It's toy lava. In a measuring cup we put vinegar (1/3 as much as the bottle will hold), red food coloring (everyone knows lava is red) and dish soap (1 Tbsp). In an empty Vitamin Water bottle we put baking soda (1 Tbsp).
Mom put brown construction paper around the bottle so it looked like a mountain, then put it in a dish.
I poured the vinegar in the bottle and it exploded slowly. There were red bubbles. It was like a lava pond. There are lava ponds in the earth. They go in the bottom of the volcano, then it gets fuller and fuller and closer to eruption.
Now the brown paper is all soggy. If you put it on your head and pour some stuff in, it will explode. It won't kill you. The volcano says: "I will eruption you now. That was a joke"
Now I'm on YouTube.com watching volcano videos. Some of the lava comes from the middle of the earth, and that's making the volcano.
This myth is busted. Mom got this to work once, it didn't work for me. It's totally busted.
(mom) It's difficult to get this wheel to spin upright. It keeps flipping so it's parallel to the floor....very annoying!
We made the wheel out of the box for my favorite breakfast, chocolate chip waffles. I helped color it in, and mom put on the string. There are directions on this Crayola website.
Today we tried to make bubble stuff out of water, soap and corn syrup. Corn syrup is yummy! I mixed it all up. It was green.
I helped mom make a big bubble wand out of a hanger, string and duct tape. I got a bubble on the hanger but it popped. I tried again and again and again and it still popped. This myth is busted.
Mom said we need to buy some glycerin. She found another kid website with better recipes.
Sunday we made a helicopter out of a piece of paper. It didn't work. That myth is busted. Mom found better directions online and it worked. I dropped it from the top of the stairs and it spinned.
Then we made an airplane out of a piece of paper and a paper clip. That zoomed in the house.
We made a parachute out of a plastic grocery bag and dental floss. We attached it to an army man. Then we floated him down from the stairs. He went slowly.
Then we tested it. We dropped one army man without a parachute at the same time. The one with no parachute landed first. My little brother watched this and thought it was really funny. He laughs at me a lot.
When Mythbusters did this with Buster, Buster broke his legs, where his penis is, and I think he broke his head off too. You would just be dead.
After lunch today we filled five glasses with water, different amounts. Then we colored the water - purple, blue, green, orange and yellow. I used a wooden spoon to make music.
I sang "We are the Champions" and a song I made up about how much I love the color orange.
Then I wanted to mix the colors.
Yellow + Orange = Orange Blue + Green = Green? Purple + Green? = Purple?
Now I'm just mixing things to see what I get, but I left the new orange alone because I don't want to mess it up.
Mistake Alert! Mistake Alert! Mistake Alert! I just spilled some blue juice!
We taped a balloon onto a straw, on a string. The string was tied to two chairs. We blew up the balloon and then I said: "Three, Two One, this is old fashion rocket test" and let it go. It zoomed to the other chair and fell off the straw. Then I said: "Dude! That was awesome!"
Then we did it again (and again), probably ten times. Now I'm running the straw back and forth on the string without the balloon.
It zoomed like a real rocket. If you see a rocket blasting off we're going to bring two chairs and our stuff so we can three, two, one countdown and see how fast it goes up into space.
We have some moms coming over soon, I'm going to show this to them.
Thanks for the new science book Grammy Marcia! After it came I found lots of things to make. We made an old fashioned phone out of 2 blue cups and my orange string. Orange is my favorite color.
I talked in one cup and mommy listened. I said: "I love you mommy" and she heard it! When dad got home he tried it too. Now I'm eating breakfast and Carrots (my stuffed bunny) and I are using it.
It works because some kind of person thinks if the string is open like a "V" it can go through the string.
Now mom is making me stop as I'm playing and not eating.
My neighbor, Ms. Pam, has about 101 tadpoles in her backyard. She said there is one frog. Right now they are about the size of a raisin. They will get little legs and long hands and their tail will go away. Then they will be a frog "ribbit, ribbit, ribbit" (I'm hopping on the floor right now). I think this will take a couple of years.
The other day Ms. Pam caught some with a net and we got to hold them. It was slimy. I think Stevie (my cat) wants to kill all of them. I want to go back and see them, but first we have to put Stevie inside or he will follow us and Buster (their dog) wants to eat him. Stevie doesn't seem to care, he just sits on the fence and watches Buster.
Yesterday I learned how to put out a fire without water. I put baking soda in a bowl, then mom lit a candle and put it in the bowl. Mom helped me pour vinegar on the baking soda. It had white bubbles. The candle when littler and littler and had no oxygen left, then it blew out.
Then we did the experiment again, but instead of vinegar I dumped a glass of water on the candle. That made it go out too.
I wore my fireman outfit to make sure nothing went on fire or didn't go on me or mom or anything else.
If you see a fire, make sure every door is not locked. If you have a toy fire suit, wear it when you do an experiment with fire. Do no put 1,000 lighters in your car or it will break your windows and go on fire, and all of them will be broken. I saw this on Mythbusters yesterday. Do not put 100 match heads in one big bucket or it will explode like a fireball. I saw that on Mythbusters too. That is my favorite show because it's telling me to not do any of their experiments, only with toys. I will do the toy experiments.
Today my mom and I made it rain. Rain is important. Animals, cockroaches, even humans and my new penguin Skipper need rain. Mom boiled a pot of water, then I put ice cubes in a smaller pot. She held the ice cube pot over the boiling water and it dripped - we made rain. I thought this was sort of boring and prefer The Coke Experiment. We made a video of that but my mom is having trouble getting it to upload.
Maybe we'll try later. Right now I'm busy pulling Skipper, 3 other friends and some tennis balls in a car we made out of a shoe box. I put the string on my mom's new lanyard and I'm towing them around the house.
This experiment is good and safe. It's from our kid science book. I've done this experiment 10 times I think. My mom is going to tell you how to do this.
Mix 2 tsp baking soda in a glass filled half-way with water. Put the glass in a container as this will overflow. Pour vinegar into the glass and watch it foam! The base (baking soda) neutralized the acid (vinegar)
Yesterday my dad caught a cockroach and we tried to feed it to my Venus Flytrap. It did not eat it. I think it was too big and it is hard in it's back.
I wanted to keep the cockroach as a pet and find him something to eat but mom and dad said no. Instead we let him go outside. I told mom and dad he was nature so we could not kill him.
We just watched a video on how to feed the Venus Flytrap. Maybe we should try and find those worms. If we find so much in our yard we're just going to take them all out and send some to Home Depot so they can feed their Venus Flytraps. Otherwise they will get sick and die. There is no Venus Flytrap medicine.
I like to mix stuff. I dig around in the kitchen and mix whatever my mom will let me. Today I'm mixing water, hand soap, dish soap, corn oil, salt (2 kinds), pepper and food coloring. I'm pouring it back and forth between some jars my mom saved for me and a pitcher.
I'm making a blue mix that you can use for kids that are wanting to do experiments. You can sell them. You should not do this on the road because your car will explode if you put it in the engine. That's why I love experiments, because they could kill you if you don't listen to me.
My mom wanted a bug to feed my new Venus Fly Trap so she went outside looking and found a cool looking green bug with wings. She put it in the plant but it didn't close right away. I said: "Don't put it in. Save him!" because I didn't want it to eat it. I wanted to scientist it. I was thinking in my mind - leave nature alone. If you don't he might chew your finger up. I think he can bite through finger nails. Then you'd need a band-aid but it would never heal and you'd have to go to the hospital.
I got my bug magnifying kit and looked at. He looked so good. Mom had me let him go in the tomatoes. We looked him up and he's a lacewing...they eat bad bugs.
We made sugar glass out of water, ice and skin. That was a joke.
You make it with sugar and heat it and stir it. The sugar melts. It was skin color and you could make a pyramid out of it. Then it turned into a liquid. Mom poured it in a pan and put it in the refrigerator. When it was cold I held it. It was sticky. Some day I'm going to eat it, but I didn't want any because it was sticky and looked ewey.