We saw a box turtle yesterday in our back yard. We gave it some lettuce. It closed up like a rock when we went to see it. I picked it up. I was very careful.
We know it was a box turtle because we looked it up this morning. They eat snails, frogs (if you have frogs in your yard don't get a box turtle!), grass and humans (that was a joke). If you don't like snails you can buy a box turtle and it will eat them all. I saw his butt.
I think he eats the same weeds as the rabbit we see a lot in our yard. We did not let Stevie (my cat) see the turtle as he might attack it and make the shell older. I don't think turtles can grow another shell. So if you see a turtle don't let your cat outside.
When we backed up a little bit his head came out. I liked it so much than when I see it again I'm going to hug it carefully. We checked before I went to bed and he was gone. I think he went to Ms. Pam's yard because she has water and turtles need water.
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